Dental implants are excellent options for most Las Vegas-area patients who are looking for long-lasting replacements for their missing teeth. Made of strong, sturdy materials, dental implants will provide you a sound foundation for future dental health. Further, the dental implant procedure is commonly performed and possesses an excellent safety record. This means that most people with missing teeth can turn to dental implants in Nevada. However, not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. At Chin and Pharar Cosmetic Dentistry, our cosmetic dentists will thoroughly examine you to ensure that dental implants are right for your specific circumstances. If they are, you can rest assured that our experienced, skilled dentists will give you a dental implant experience you can recommend to your friends and family. If you live in the Las Vegas, Nevada area and you’re considering dental implants, please call Chin and Pharar Cosmetic Dentistry today at 702-445-7075.
Dental Implant Factors
There are a few important factors our Las Vegas cosmetic dentists will look at when we determine whether you are a candidate for dental implants. Those include:
- Sound overall health: Any kind of surgery carries with it certain risks, but those risks are dramatically lessened if you’re in good health when undergoing a procedure. In the case of dental implants, you should have no active infections and possess good dental health as well.
- Bone density: Because dental implants are anchored in your jaw, one of the most important factors will be the amount and strength of the bone in your jaw. Our dentists will make sure you have adequate bone density to support dental implants.
- Oral hygiene: Dental implants can last you for decades, but only if you take care of them. Your implants will require the same level of care and attention as your natural teeth. You will need to make a commitment to care for your implants.
Specifically, the following people are not usually good candidates for dental implants:
- Smokers
- Pregnant women
- Younger patients whose jawbones are still developing
- Alcohol or drug abusers
- Those who have recently undergone radiation treatment for the head or neck
Our dentists will make sure you undergo only the procedure that is right for you. We’re committed to providing you with only the highest-quality dental care. If you’re a resident of Las Vegas or one of the other nearby Nevada communities and you want to learn more about dental implants, please contact Chin and Pharar Cosmetic Dentistry today.