Dental emergencies happen every day, and they are often out of our control. However, knowing what to do and what calls for emergency dental care can help save your teeth and avoid negative outcomes. Our emergency dentist in Las Vegas is committed to protecting your smile.
Not all emergencies are made equal; although some damage might just cause a cosmetic issue, other types of emergencies can threaten your entire oral health. In every case, you should seek out care as soon as possible to avoid further harm to your smile.
Chipped veneers, cracked crowns, and broken teeth are all causes of concern. Leaving a compromised veneer unchecked can lead to bacteria getting between the enamel and the veneer, leading to decay.
Broken crowns and teeth can lead to similar outcomes. Porcelain crowns are caps that fit over a shaved tooth. Allowing bacteria to form underneath can also lead to tooth decay, spreading down to the bone and under your gums.
One of the reasons why we love our jobs is because we can help prevent pain and discomfort. Another reason is to ensure you overcome these as quickly as possible. We are ready and able to supply you with sedatives to help make the process more comfortable for you.
No two accidents are the same, but there are specific steps you can take to improve your situation. In some cases, your tooth may be salvageable. You should always complete the following steps if they're applicable to you:
In cases of tooth loss, try sliding the dislodged tooth back into its socket. If this is impossible, set it in a glass of milk, and bring it to us. If you don't have milk, keep it between your cheek and jaw, careful not to swallow.
Acting swiftly in case of a dental emergency is the best way to protect your smile. Our team has the experience you need to secure the best possible outcome. Call us now if you are experiencing a dental emergency.